Faux Sandblasted Sign

By: Steve Contreras
This Candle Shop was on a tight budget, but they wanted a Sandblasted look for their sign because most merchants in this shopping center had SBRW signs.
Customer requirements: Use self designed logo and colors- black, teal and blue.
Half inch MDO plywood is cut with a saber saw. The edges are filled with exterior wood filler and sanded. Edges are also slightly beveled for better paint adhesion.
After being primed and sanded, one coat of black bulletin enamel is applied. Lettering is cut in vinyl paint mask and border is masked with 2" masking tape on the straight edges, curves are hand cut from application tape.
Surface is roughed with green Scotch Pad and rolled with the background color Blue Green bulletin. This color should work well with your final wood color as a shadow for the deep grain of the wood. In most cases it should be a darker shade of the final wood color. On this sign it will be Robins Egg Blue.
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