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Search results

  1. Need Help Proof approved software

    I used Docusign.com. We had a PDF approval template and it was setup as a fill-in form that we could drop in a screenshot of the artwork, then upload to docusign and have the approval process managed through there. I would be able to see the entire history of the proof, including when it was...
  2. Need Help Resume Critique

    I'm currently unemployed and looking for a new job. I've reworked my resume recently and have cut out a lot of old employment experience and have condensed the resume. Would anyone be willing to offer a critique to let me know how it comes across? I'm looking for a position in management...
  3. Third Party Sublimation

    Massive difference in price also. Especially when you need a inline machine that will properly sublimate thicker fabrics. Many of the brands selling inline machines like the lower end Telios machines are sold as "Flag Printers" which can sublimate thin flag type fabrics. To get a suitable...
  4. Third Party Sublimation

    I was going to mention this as well. You'll need typically a Calendared Rotary Heat Press as well. Surprised that this wasn't mentioned.
  5. Need Help How to hang a LARGE banner?

    Check this out... https://www.formetcohardware.com/product/vinyl-tension-bracket-system/ I quoted a banner on the side of a building about the size that you are talking about and had Formetco providing the hardware and their printing partner Outdoor Image http://www.outdoorimageusa.com/ quote...
  6. Suggestions alternative to vista system display in Canada

    Orbus has SignPro systems and I was thinking that they had a Canadian partner up there... I could be wrong but it might be worth looking into.
  7. Looking for "alumacore" type product.

    You could buy Matte Black aluminum and roll counter top contact cement on it and mount onto a 1/2 substrate and go from there. More work but it may be an option.
  8. Any ideas for a "job" progression reader board

    Check out Trello.com - and read about the methodology behind Kanban https://kanbanize.com/kanban-resources/getting-started/what-is-kanban/ I've seen many shops using Trello and they have a free version to get started, but it may be that you want to upgrade to get the most out of it. Good Luck
  9. Middle TN: Looking for Employment-Production Mgr, Project Mgr, Mfg. Rep

    Nashville area. 25 years in the sign/printing/wide format industry. Lots of management & production experience in wide format. Certified in HP Latex R2R Installation. Dependable, hard-working and technologically adept/mechanically inclined. Also interested in manufacturer rep positions that...
  10. Isa vs sgia tradeshows. Which should I attend?

    In your situation, I would recommend SGIA, which is going to be Printing United in Dallas. https://www.printingunited.com/ They are combining shows this year with a commercial printing show because of the amount of crossover with commercial printers getting into wide format. The owners would...
  11. Source for this corrugated cube sign?

    I used to do a lot of business with Vox in the early 2000s, but my understanding was that they were moving away from trade work. There is a place in Middle TN that does wholesale work that is a corrugated box manufacturer and does short runs of custom printed corrugated boxes and displays...
  12. Dye sub ink recommendations

    Check with GansInk. We were using Sensient which they were a reseller for, but they also have other brands as well if I recall.
  13. Cyrious Control License

    Don't automatically assume this. The two systems are built on completely different back end software and even if you were able to somehow transfer them, it's extremely doubtful that they would be displayed in any format that resembles the old version. It may be that the old invoices and...
  14. Rant Grimco has gone down hill fast for us

    In fairness to Grimco, there have been price increases across the board from most of the roll and rigid manufacturers in the past 6 months. Avery alone has had multiple increases, and some of the banner prices have gone as much as 25% because of several reasons including the tariffs because so...
  15. Need Help Need supplier for outdoor "pop-up" oval display

    Are these the ones that look almost triangular if you look at them from the end, but have a strap or something that holds them apart at the bottom but attached at the top? Sorta made like the car windshield sunshields...
  16. Discussion Ink Problems

    looks like possibly a different profile or media was used on the two prints.
  17. What gives w window graphics inside?

    A few years ago, the city of Atlanta had a moratorium on any new window graphics, then restricted graphics to 6 sq ft. Down the road from my shop was a new development that had shops facing the main thoroughfare with full coverage window graphics. Many of the higher end areas of the city...
  18. Suggestions Shop Drawing Software Recomendations

    We used Sketchup for all of our CAD designs. We could export from there for fabrication in our CNC software, or illustrator if needed. They have a free trial, and tons of videos and tutorials to get you going. Good Luck!
  19. How to cutting/finish fabrics

    We had a JUKI industrial model that we bought used, and worked great without any issues in 6 years. It was heavy duty enough for anything we threw at it. Don't get a consumer version (in my opinion).
  20. Reflective vinyl with air release?

    Best part is that it doesn't get bruised like many others if you have to pull it back up to reposition it. https://www.arlon.com/na_en/products/illuminite-wrap