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3rd Party LED and Power Supply Testing


New Member
Hello All. I have a quick question that I have been unable to find an answer to on my 101 searches.

Our sign company is tasked with installing 3rd party signage more and more every year and I was hoping for some advice on what piece of equipment would work best to test LEDs and power supplies on illuminated signage. Is there a bench top power unit that others on here have used for this purpose? Any recommendations on the best equipment and procedures would be greatly appreciated.

This question is stemming from a 3rd party company that hired us on to install a simple LED light box back in January, only to reach back out a few months later to survey the sign, because it wasn't lighting. Turns out, as expected, the sign was never connected to the main power supply, (Happens fairly often despite many disclaimers and direct correspondence stating that we do not do the final electrical connection. We always inform clients that they will need to contact a licensed electrician for that step, because it is illegal to make that connection is our state without an electrical license, blah blah.). It got me thinking though that we should probably take a closer look at our pre-installation inspection process. And that's where all of you come in. Any constructive advice would be great.

Thank you in advance.


Very Active Signmaker
Are you asking about how to test the signage before you leave the site? . I run an extension cord up to the sign and test it, showing the client it lighting before I close it up (or take photos of the LEDs on for your client) I have a small 5' cord with plug on one end and loose wires on the other that I can quickly connect to a power supply. If no power onsite, run it off your truck. If you're going to a service call with an outage, you should be carrying around a 12v and 24v power supply anyway... just plug it up and test. That's what I did here yesterday.. quickly plugged up a new P/S and it fired up the bank of LEDs that were out.


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Profane and profane accessories.
We test our builds by hooking them up and lighting them for a couple of hours to make sure all of the modules are working, that there's no flicker, etc. No real special equipment required- we use an modified extension cord and wire into it temporarily.


New Member
We test our builds by hooking them up and lighting them for a couple of hours to make sure all of the modules are working, that there's no flicker, etc. No real special equipment required- we use an modified extension cord and wire into it temporarily.
This is the technique we have used in the past. Didn't know if there was a more standard practice out there.


Profane and profane accessories.
This is the technique we have used in the past. Didn't know if there was a more standard practice out there.
I'm by no means an authority, that's just how we test 'em. Someone probably has a much more thorough method, but we don't (usually) need more than that. You might want to make it part of your workflow, if you're doing a lot of that type of work. Like, first thing, open the box/crate/whatever to inspect for damage, the light it to make sure it works. As I'm sure you know, there are plenty of companies that will blame the installer for problems that started with them.


That's what I did here yesterday
That's some interesting track, but more to the point, what kinda joint has such a big/expensive sign in the lobby?
I have a small 5' cord with plug on one end and loose wires on the other that I can quickly connect to a power supply.
We call them pigtails, mine has wagos on it, saves the hassle of straightening the wires out every other time with wirenuts.


New Member
Back when I was working on electronics an extension cord with one end pulled off for wiring on lugs was called a "widow maker". If the cord had both plugs on it we called an "electron hose".


New Member
Ha, the names are great. The extension cord method works fine. I just didn't know if anyone used any equipment that both lit the LEDs and tested the amperage/power levels.


I just didn't know if anyone used any equipment that both lit the LEDs and tested the amperage/power levels.
You could always plug one of these into the extension cord to verify amperage, but I can't say I've ever seen anybody concerned with draw on a signage install.


Very Active Signmaker
That's some interesting track, but more to the point, what kinda joint has such a big/expensive sign in the lobby?

We call them pigtails, mine has wagos on it, saves the hassle of straightening the wires out every other time with wirenuts.
I can't slide the face out of the track cause there is a shelving unit in the way. Have to make a second trip to remove bottom retainer with a helper. Waiting on them to approve second PO...even though I told them all this before I went out there and looked at the pics.


I can't slide the face out of the track cause there is a shelving unit in the way. Have to make a second trip to remove bottom retainer with a helper. Waiting on them to approve second PO...even though I told them all this before I went out there and looked at the pics.
Just did a survey for national company A, to remake some faces for extra large channel letters. Company A never sends PO for production, says client declined the work. National company B then calls, issues PO for same survey, they won't take the previous measurements, so we have to go down to site, login over the phone, fly up and take some selfies, and resend the dimensions to company B, who will now accept them. Luckily, the f*ckery stopped there, and company B issued the PO for refabricating faces. Only con was all the extra mileage on my bucket truck for no good reason.


New Member
Just did a survey for national company A, to remake some faces for extra large channel letters. Company A never sends PO for production, says client declined the work. National company B then calls, issues PO for same survey, they won't take the previous measurements, so we have to go down to site, login over the phone, fly up and take some selfies, and resend the dimensions to company B, who will now accept them. Luckily, the f*ckery stopped there, and company B issued the PO for refabricating faces. Only con was all the extra mileage on my bucket truck for no good reason.
:rolleyes: That sounds about right.