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Question Has anyone tried double laminating prints for better protection? Needing solution to protect wrap.


Premium Subscriber
I have a customer who is extremely hard on the wrap on his truck, and I've had to redo pieces of the wrap multiple times because they keep getting scratched/torn/chipped. I print on Avery MPI 1105 Cast with latex ink and 1360 lam. Normally I never have issues with vinyl getting damaged, just this one customer is very hard on his truck.

I would normally never consider double laminating anything, but just curious if anyone on here has tried it before? I've considered ppf or ceramic coat, but from what I've read it sounds like ceramic coat won't actually protect from that kind of damage, and ppf won't work on all areas of this truck as I need to protect the huge dually fenders.

Any ideas?

Christian @ 2CT Media

Active Member
You can PPF everything including incredibly complex curves, the caveat is you need to wrap the vehicle then apply the PPF.

Also please tell me you are not redoing those wrap piece for free?


New Member
not sure how they will be with wrapping but these are lams made to protect the graphics/vehicle


  • overlam.JPG
    40.9 KB · Views: 392


Premium Subscriber
You can PPF everything including incredibly complex curves, the caveat is you need to wrap the vehicle then apply the PPF.

Also please tell me you are not redoing those wrap piece for free?

No, I'm charging for the redo installs as it is no fault of the vinyl, just ultra rough handling. I would like to find a solution to offer customers like this if there is one though, currently it protects his paint at least but still a pain to have to keep redoing panels all the time. Do you have to cut the PPF film into smaller pieces and overlap for curves? I was under the impression it did not conform very well.


Active Member
hopefully, the damage is happening on flat, simple curves.

if so get a thick lamination
Arlon 3960 12 Mil Overlaminate


Premium Subscriber
hopefully, the damage is happening on flat, simple curves.

if so get a thick lamination
Arlon 3960 12 Mil Overlaminate

Sadly some of the damage is happening to the front of the dually fender wells, which have very complex curves. (Don't ask me how he managed to get rock chips up there) I'm looking at the 8 mil PPF by Orafol - Oraguard but it seems like it's all made for flat surfaces. I basically need the PPF equivalent of cast vinyl lol.


Premium Subscriber
Is there mud flaps on the front wheels or does he have wheels on it that stick out past the body that might be flipping up rocks?

He has mud flaps behind the front wheels which should be preventing the chipping, but they just aren't able to catch everything.
I don't recommend full wrap of the PPF over the fenders that job would be tough to pull off and $$$

Make templates and cut on the bench to fit impact areas.

Also going with an old school BIG diamond plate mud flap up front , not attractive..but they work