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Logo Design Critique

High Octane

New Member
Customer wants a logo design for his BBQ team deal....His wifes name is Meg, his is Jamie...so they came up with MegJam Smoke....and he had to have his specific Weber smoker grill in the design....so this is where I'm at....anyone have any thoughts or ideas?


  • MegJam BBQ.jpg
    MegJam BBQ.jpg
    83.9 KB · Views: 141


New Member
I like it.

A few humble opinions.

I don't like the stripes in the MegJam letters. Too busy.

That and the G almost looks like a C.
Maybe thicken up the ascending middle of the G, so it shows up more.

One other minor detail.
Wouldn't it just be MI, instead of MICH?


High Octane

New Member
MI is really the standard way of writing it...but...naw I think Mich just works better and is still pretty common

Joe Diaz

New Member
I like it a lot but agree that the main copy is hard to read. "Smoke" reads much better so maybe you can do the main copy in a similar way. But I like the overall layout. It is very tight and eye pleasing to say the least.


New Member
there is a lot going on and a lot of the background elements are so bright they are masking the letters. and the smoker or grill was hard to make out... maybe the old bbq pig?

i like the shapes and the overall vibe it just needs things set in priority to me.

High Octane

New Member
Customer says No one the pig....have to use his specific Weber Bullet smoker grill....Just having trouble incorporating that into the design...I mean a tough pig sitting on top of the design would look sharp...but the customer just doesn't want a pig

Wes Phifer

New Member
I couldn't make out what it was. I also thought the g was a c. Thought the smoker was a welding helmet at first. The main copy needs cleaned up a bit. I love the over all feel of it though. Maybe put the flames and stripes a little more in the background with different colors. Also Mich looks like someones name. Is that necessary to be on there.


New Member
i really like it. looks like a bit of a rough version. i dont know what i could recommend to make it "finished", but i really like it.


New Member
I have to agree with the others here, the main title name(s) in the logo are way to busy and NOT very readable. I know you spent a lot of time making the font appear as it does, but don't loose sight of the main purpose of a logo, to identify the name of the business (identity).

And right now SMOKE stands out way more than the other parts of the logo, and it should be the other way around. Back in the 90's when I took classes on logo design and corporate identity, the professor had a simple test to see if the logo design was good overall, squint your eyes while looking at the logo (this represents the viewing the logo at a distance), if you can still make out the logo (read the name), then it's a good clear design, I still use this simple test when designing logos today.

When I squint my eyes and look at your logo I can only make out the words "SMOKE", so by the squint test, I believe the main "MegJam" needs to be a cleaner, more readable font style (maybe solid like smoke?).

Overall, I like the design.


New Member
I think if you fill the MegJam with red and inset the red fill like the red in Jam, Pull the g up on top of the J and maybe work in a small descender, and nix the pinstripes. I think they look cool, but are distracting from rather than adding to the design.

Just my .02


New Member
I gotta say it, you've squished that "smoke" font. It's a pet peeve of mine when someone does it to that particular LHF because it makes the K and R legs look really weird.
I think if you used a different font for that, and made the name in a lighter color without the fill, it would be just fine.


New Member
About the design. I like it. Drop the HELMET place something more fitting to BBQ.

The MAIN COPY needs to have LETTERS to be legible. Can't read them.

Overall the design is there.

Know that this cannot be made into a SIGN without a lot of adjustment, work and fabrication.

MONEY. But the design is good.


New Member
not bein mean............but at 1st glance..................all i can relate to is BENDER .......THE ROBOT from FUTUREAMA!!!!!!!!!!!
the name..........make it plain white............no fluf.