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  • Please, can you help me ? I need a profile. I have Mutoh 1924W and Ergosoft Texprint 14.
    Sorry I can't help you as I'm out of the US where all my profiling equipment is at.
    looking for help with the bad wraps software i am so new at all of this and need lots of help thanks
    Hi Tom, I am sorry you have to go through the hassle. I am next to the dentist. My office faces restaurant across the street. It says American Family insurance. My wife is insurance agent and we share offices. My phone number is 773.983.6765. I am really sorry I missed you since I was actually thinking to call you regarding some stickers for car dealers. I think it could be great business but it is kind of expensive for me to print with my printer and its slow. They are done using screen printing and market is huge. I was in the car industry for a long time and know a lot of people. Please let me know if we can meet or if you can stop by.
    Best regards
    Hi, I was wondering if you still have your CJ-500. I have purchased one from Steve at Rayco. I told you this before. I have converted it to eco solvent and did everyhting by myself. I dont know if you are interested to convert yours. It seems they sell much faster converted. All the parts have cost me $800 including heads, controller box, heaters, pump, and cap station and wipers. Ink i got at eleven ten ink for free. If you are interested I can do it on yours and it would be $800 for parts and $1000 for labor.
    Ink you can order through eleventencolor.com for free set.
    Let me know if you are interested
    Have you got the pictures yet for the CJ500 as you indicated you where going to?

    Thanks, Bob Cole
    We are actually in Cyprus, an island divided for decades due to Turkish occupation.
    An independent country but Greece is considered our "mother" country.
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