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Recent content by Gino

  1. Yet another illustrator question.

    What happens if the electric goes out at 2:34am tonight after midnight and you don't see it til monday morning. Will corel draw keep it handy for ya ?? Good Grief..... this is when I miss Old Paint.
  2. Yet another illustrator question.

  3. Yet another illustrator question.

    If you have something that already works, why are you jumping ship, or whatever it is, you're doing ?? You've said countless times illy is inferior, so why not do it your way and forget about trying to prove 96% of the world wrong ?? Then, to boot..... you're now spell checking people...
  4. Clip from an image with illustrator

    So. do you make bookoo bucks on these overnight racers ?? When I was much younger, I did a lotta race cars and yes, there were many needed the next day or in a day or so. Luckily, I weeded them out maybe 35 or 40 years ago. It was almost all hand lettering back then. If a guy couldn't wait...
  5. Hello I am Julia from Spain!!

    Can't get nuttin' past you guys. You're a tough bunch.
  6. US Tariffs, Sigh!

    How 'bout we stop 'copying & pasting' everything and speak what is on OUR minds and not the propaganda ?? Nothing wrong having articles to back up your statements, but who is gonna take time away from their busy day to read mostly garbage ?? The whole playing field is so filled with mixed...
  7. Clip from an image with illustrator

    A friend of mine in the business from new york, introduced me to core draw around 1987 or 8. He was a beta site for them. So, in addition to already using ANAgraph, gerber, Signmate and some others, we started using... and got pretty good at it, but it seemed everyone was really starting to...
  8. Mounting vinyl onto wood

    I didn't even know anyone still offered painted one-side MDO. It's a kinda well-known fact, that if you paint one side of plywood or any wood for that matter, the wood will tend to cup. Ya need the same tension coming from both sides when dealing with wood. ACM, not at all.
  9. Convincing a customer that their file is low resolution

    Ya can't fix stoopid. What you did is all the further I'd go. Tell them to stop in and show them a vector aside of their raster image. If they don't see it after that........ tell them you evidently can't help them.
  10. Need ideas for trailer design

    If they like it, hit print after ya fix the items they mentioned and git 'r done. Something that's been drummed into me since I was about 8 or 9 was first discussed in art class in 3rd grade...... you know drawing houses, trees still life and even bob ross uses it. Find your subject matter...
  11. US Tariffs, Sigh!

    Not sure what we're doing this year. My wife is very sick and this was always something we did together. I might just do a few things and hope for the best.
  12. US Tariffs, Sigh!

    I've been doing this for at least 8 or 9 years, if not longer. Since about 2020, I get a price check on materials and supplies any time I am quoting anymore. I do all my quoting in QB, and if something changes, it's a quick/quick key stroke and the problems fixed. I still do the preliminary...
  13. US Tariffs, Sigh!

    This thread has become useless, quite some time ago, but it's getting more & more worthless moving forward. Let's talk about gene hackman and his wife and dog. What really happened ??
  14. US Tariffs, Sigh!

    Are we talking about a certain level of schooling like 3rd grade, 11th grade, secondary education or total schooling in general ?? Are some subjects measured differently from each other or is it all lumped together ?? Does population sizes have anything to do with these numbers ??
  15. Illustrator "outline view" vs. corel "Wireframe view"

    Yes, really. In the opening post, he asks one question, which was answered using various methods. He asked to see BEHIND the letters, not how they're created. Then, he later shows and admits it's another case of needing to know. Totally different, because that was not created in either/or...