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Recent content by ProColorGraphics

  1. Which printer vendor has the best support?

    I have had great luck with Epson. I get mine from IT Supplies. The Epson techs for the flatbed are great!
  2. adhesive paper not vinyl

    Sihl has one https://www.grimco.com/Catalog/Products/Sihl3683TriSolvPrimeArtPaperBlueblackPSA
  3. Epson V7000 Print Banding

    What RIP? What type of file are you send to it? When was the last time you did a head alignment? I got mine as soon as it came out. Next month will be 3 years I have had it. Other than the first month or 2, I have been using Caldera with mine.
  4. ISO wholesale exterior floor graphic printer ASAP

    Send me the details. I can probably help you out.
  5. Any Summa Tech's in the Audience?

    I am not seeing any papers with the stuff I saved. Have you ever been into service mode? That is where you need to run the service profile, using the drag knife with the pen AND cap installed. In there also is where you will need to turn on the ADC.
  6. Any Summa Tech's in the Audience?

    I thought I did. I will check.
  7. S80 Damper assy?

    I honestly don't think my tech did the depressurization when he changed mine. He said they found you could change the duct without doing that and it saves a ton of ink.
  8. Any Summa Tech's in the Audience?

    No. I just have it sitting here. I was told it would have to be sent to Belgium to be looked at. With no gaurantee it could even be fixed. Wasn't worth the expense to me.
  9. Any Summa Tech's in the Audience?

    That it did. I got the parts from Airmark and installed them myself. Wasn't too hard.
  10. S80 Damper assy?

    I had to have mine changed about about a year ago. It started leaking all over. I ended up having Epson do it. Watching the tech it didn't seam that hard and fairly straight forward. I didn't trust any of the sites I found with the part. Epson has a flat rate repair on these now. I think it was...
  11. 3D printed repair on cutter

    Mine broke too. I have been meaning to do this myself. How much for the STL?
  12. Summa S One D120 vs. S Class 120T for High-Detail Contour Cutting?

    I am still running a first gen s-class. Going on 10 years and still running strong. I replaced 1 motor once. I have no plans to update it either.
  13. Summa S One D120 vs. S Class 120T for High-Detail Contour Cutting?

    The S-Class is will be a way better machine in the long run!!
  14. SwissQ Impala 4 and Caldera 17

    I have an i1Pro2 I can sell you. ;) I use Caldera as well. Works great, just decided to upgrade.