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Hello Signs101 network and enthusiast, My name is Robert, and I am the owner of several companies based in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. My professional background is primarily in Leadership and management as well as tactical military operations which was learned during my time in the Army and while Serving in various combat zones. I also have extensive training and experience in the fleet industry after building multiple companies that repair and maintain over-the-road trucks trailers and heavy-duty equipment. I own a security company, a truck repair company, a towing company, and since 2021, a print and manufacturing company. This article outlines the challenges and lessons learned from my venture into the printing industry, intending to share insights that might help others considering a similar path. The main problems discussed include the steep learning curve in the printing business, equipment maintenance issues, and the impact of employee competence or lack of on business operations.

Background and Initial Challenges

Entering the printing industry during the Covid-19 pandemic was something I never would have imagined but it was the best possible solution to my overall marketing needs during that period in time. The thought of starting a printing company only became an idea of mine at that time because of the pandemic. A no-contact solution to local sales and marketing for my other companies was the problem I was faced with. This is why my interest into starting a print shop was elevated. Nonetheless, it was an unexpected circumstance, given my experience in entirely different fields.
We embarked on this journey with minimal knowledge, assuming we could learn as we went. However, we soon realized that our lack of expertise made us feel like ducks out of water. Despite having a strong entrepreneurial background with several established companies and almost 100 employees across three states, the transition into printing proved to be more challenging than anticipated.

Motivations and Early Missteps

In 2020-2021, motivated to enhance and potentially monetize our marketing efforts, we sought a solution that would allow us to conduct large-scale campaigns akin to Google AdWords but with physical signs and mailers. However, the costs of outsourcing these campaigns were prohibitive. This led to the decision to bring printing in-house, a move that in hindsight, required much more preparation and knowledge than we initially possessed. The plan was to offset marketing costs across my other companies and simultaneously build a revenue-generating business in the printing industry, thereby solving multiple problems at once.

Equipment Acquisition and Issues

Our first significant purchase was the Arizona 1260GT printer, based on a recommendation from a well-meaning sales representative. This machine, along with three others acquired later, has been a source of ongoing challenges. The primary issues stemmed from a lack of proper maintenance and the realization that extensive technical knowledge was required to keep these machines operational. The one-year warranty on the equipment expired, leading to substantial out-of-pocket expenses for repairs and service calls.

Key Problems Identified

1. **Lack of Technical Knowledge**: The complexity of the equipment and the need for specialized maintenance were underestimated. Proper training and understanding of the printers’ operational requirements were lacking.
2. **Employee Competence**: Assigning maintenance tasks to inadequately trained employees led to significant operational issues. Coupled with a major work-from-home sentiment at the time also reduced the ability to hire properly qualified personnel. Proper maintenance routines were not followed, causing long-term damage to the equipment.
3. **Manufacturer Dependency**: The reliance on Canon technicians for repairs and the high cost of service calls highlighted the challenges of being dependent on the manufacturer for support, even after the standard warranty period. Canon has somehow managed to circumvent manufacturing norms and in my opinion they have ignored laws and regulations designed to protect the consumer by requiring their equipment to be maintained by a Canon representative and not allowing for aftermarket solutions. They do this by locking the equipment in service mode to ensure nobody can maintain the unit above standard routine maintenance. This means any issue that arises that requires testing or troubleshooting you must call Canon. I have never seen this situation in any other industry or equipment I have owned. That would be like saying Ford trucks can only get their oil changed by a Ford Dealer. The Dealer would be limited on the number of vehicles they allowed on the market because they wouldn't be able to maintain them properly or at all.

Lessons Learned and Strategic Changes

This journey has taught us the importance of research and proper training before diving into a new industry. We also recognized the need for a more sustainable and self-sufficient approach to equipment maintenance. Downsizing our operations to a more manageable level allowed us to focus on rebuilding and training our team effectively.

Conclusion and Future Vision

Despite the setbacks, my passion for the printing and manufacturing space has grown. I see immense potential in transforming businesses through effective marketing and advertising solutions. It is a way to bridge the gap between industries and highlight the strengths and passion that a company has for whatever service or product they are trying to provide.
As simply as I can say, my goals are to leverage our printing capabilities to help other companies achieve their marketing objectives and revitalize their brands. That may be simply put, However, When the full playbook of my goals and how they will be achieved is provided you can see a level of detail, structure, and organization that Fortune 500 companies are built on. In fact, A lot of the same strategies and even their initial structure have been incorporated into my playbook to ensure the highest level of success possible. Also to try and minimize risk and potential failure that may not have been known.

This experience has taught me valuable lessons about the importance of preparation, the impact of employee competence, and the necessity of industry-specific knowledge. By sharing these insights, I hope to help others avoid the same pitfalls and achieve success in their ventures. Through proper mentorship and consulting services, I provide deeper insight and resources companies need to help them achieve their goals and find new paths to success they may not have seen before. I am also working heavily on building a network of resources and contacts for anyone who signs up for my consulting and business development services to access that has like-minded people willing to provide their services and knowledge. In time I plan to re-write the standard process most companies follow in today's small business environment so new companies and the future generation of entrepreneurs can rely on something other than trial and error.

Call to Action

I invite anyone interested in learning more about our journey or seeking advice on entering the printing industry or building their own business in any industry to reach out. Let's collaborate and find solutions that drive success for all our businesses. Thank you for taking the time to read about our experiences, lessons learned and hopes for the future!
Aug 25, 1984 (Age: 40)
durham nc
north carolina
united states
Experience Level
1 to 5 years
Work Description
DTG, UV, die-sub, Ecomm, social media marketing, Consulting, Printer Repair, Business Branding, Company formation, Business structure and operating procedure, financial review and planning with Local customers as well as Nationwide and state contracts
Plotters & Printers
Signmaking & Graphics Software


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