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Recent content by weyandsign

  1. Vehicle window graphics - Thin horizontal sections? Any info on this process?

    This is their home-made version of window perf. Just cut stripes on regular printed vinyl.
  2. Bad print quality with solid colors.

    I don't use flexi anymore, but I remember having to try a lot of different vinyl profiles until I found one that looked good (it was some oracal profile that wasn't even the vinyl I was using), also had to enable the color correction option.
  3. Red box around image

    I'll open it and fix it for you.
  4. Red box around image

    Somehow you don't have all the options in Flexi. I guess maybe you don't have the PRO version and those options aren't available? Not sure.
  5. Red box around image

    CTRL+D not working either?
  6. Red box around image

    You don't have it under the Arrange menu? Keyboard shortcut CTRL+D Could be your workspace? Goto File menu -> Workspace and make sure you're using Flexi 7 workspace
  7. Red box around image

    Try arrange->mask->unmask, it might be masked. When you unmask it deselect it then delete the black square on top of it. You may have to unmask multiple layers.
  8. Suggestions Installing stud-mount letters on stucco

    I would say masonry bits, looks like a block wall. Regular silicone should be ok.
  9. $40,000 vertical marquee sign

    $2,000 in materials, $38,000 in labor.... I was expecting a digital sign when I saw 40K.
  10. "No More Walk-ins" - Good Idea, or Terrible Mistake?

    They got one heck of a deal. Didn't you know the government pays $1,000 for a toilet seat, $600 for a hammer? And that was back in the 90's. But seriously, good job it looks like you do very nice work.
  11. what font is this

    It's close to Trajan Pro
  12. Sign White on a roll

    It's going to weigh close to 300 pounds for that one piece.
  13. Question program to minimze pixelation?

    This one is free and works offline: Also works on Mac and Linux. https://upscayl.org/
  14. Cut Line Off

    How long of a sheet of decals are you cutting? Is it shifted consistently on the entire sheet, or is it progressive? And you say changing the graphic orientation, the shifting follows the orientation? Change your USB cable to the printer. What file type are you importing into VW? Do you set...
  15. Cut Line Off

    You're not using "center on media" in VW are you? That would cause it.