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  1. Signlab 11 Contour cut

    I assume it is set to a dashed line...somehow...somewhere. And that's what I need to find out - how to switch to a solid line.
  2. Signlab 11 Contour cut

    It is supposed to... what? There is a cut layer because I need it :). The problem is that it comes out as a dashed line instead of a solid, continuous one. And the cutter reads it and cuts it as a dashed line and, trust me, that's a bit problematic :D when cutting text, logos, decals, banners...
  3. Signlab 11 Contour cut

    That's the problem. It cuts a dashed line. I suspect it's some kind of setting but don't know where to look for it.
  4. Signlab 11 Contour cut

    Hi everyone. A Signlab 11 issue here :) Some of my coworkers recently upgraded to version 11 and now, when they save a file as PDF the cut layers appear as a dashed line. I have 0 experience with Signlab and couldn't find anything in the settings. Google didn't help much either :rolleyes:. I...