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Search results

  1. GS24 - Wont cut in a straight line.

    Some more images showing the non straight cut. Starts off straight then ends up on the piss
  2. GS24 - Wont cut in a straight line.

    Few more things I have tried: I loaded a piece into the machine. Turned the machine off. Then yanked on the RH side (looking at it). Then yanked on the LH side. What I found was it slid in the RH side roller much easier than LH side. I them changed the pinch rollers again. With another set I...
  3. GS24 - Wont cut in a straight line.

    GS24 - Wont cut in a straight line. See below cut layout. Issue I am having is the side to side seems to cut fine. Its the feed that cuts curved. (my image below is exaggerated). Over this cut layout of 1m it would curve about 2mm It seems quite consistent. I did install the new GS24 driver...