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Search results

  1. New Guy Colorado M, Onyx, and Vinyl thickness settings question.

    Yup, I scroll through them all . Is there a way to edit the list? It's ridiculously lengthy. I'm sure a default setting, and my coworker is pretty clueless. This is a Ferrari that hasn't been out of 2nd gear.
  2. New Guy Colorado M, Onyx, and Vinyl thickness settings question.

    Those are downloadable as well?
  3. New Guy Colorado M, Onyx, and Vinyl thickness settings question.

    Thanks for any information about this. I'm new to vinyl printing and have been given the reigns to this amazing printer. I've been shadowing the only person who has used this, and he's not up on much about it. I've watched as different vinyls get loaded and treated like the same on a Roodle...