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Search results

  1. HELP - Roland GX-24 Issue

    I finally was able to get it to work on the laptop that I got with the cutter. Because I have limited space in my shop I'd like to be able to work on one computer, and the laptop that I got with the cutter doesn't have corel on it which is where I do a lot of my design work. Having said that...
  2. HELP - Roland GX-24 Issue

    I've downloaded the latest driver and I still can't cut
  3. HELP - Roland GX-24 Issue

    Yes. I'm really frustrated epically since I know it works
  4. HELP - Roland GX-24 Issue

    I've tried all of the above and still can't cut. Got the laptop from the person I bought the cutter from since I knew it worked on that laptop. I was able to cut once and haven't been able to since. I'd like a solution that will get me to cutting again. What I get when I try to cut is Printer...