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Search results

  1. SP300V - Incomplete cuts...

    I've done that. Makes a difference in the test cuts in respect to the corners being rounded or strait... But no difference with the incomplete cuts. But get this... I just did test cuts and a complete job cutting some 3 inch lettering and did it in pressure sensitive sign vinyl. Cuts...
  2. SP300V - Incomplete cuts...

    Yes... Tried replacing with a new 45 degree blade. Also have now tried and am currently using a new 60 degree blade. No change The 60 degree blade helped with another problem I was having where on a printed object with sharp thin parts, once it was cut, it would immediately peel off the...
  3. SP300V - Incomplete cuts...

    [/COLOR][/COLOR] I am using Corel x3, and the Roland VersaWorks program. did it always do this? ( is the machine new or new to you and you have always had this problem or did it just start) We have had this machine since the spring. Have not used it much, but I believe it has been doing it...
  4. SP300V - Incomplete cuts...

    Checked the teflon cutting strip... I don't see or feel any gouges or anything for that matter. It appears / feels nice and smooth. When I do a test cut, it does this then too... When I pull up the circle, the square wants to come too, just in one place. Same place every time. Same goes...
  5. SP300V - Incomplete cuts...

    Teflon cutting strip I looked at it and it looks ok to me... Then again, I'm not sure what I'm looking for...? If there is a problem with it, will it be obvious? Thanks!
  6. SP300V - Incomplete cuts...

    Offset The offset is currently set to 0.025mm. Is that good? Thanks!
  7. SP300V - Incomplete cuts...

    I have an SP300V that appears to not be completing it's cuts. Using a single letter as an example: It lowers the knife, cuts around the letter, returning to the location it started cutting, then picks the knife back up. But at that start/stop location, the letter is still slightly attached to...
  8. Greetings - New Kid on the block...

    Hello everyone. Found this site while hunting for information online. I do custom graphics and embroidery design. Recently added the graphic garment decoration to the embroidery. Trying to get a handle on using my new VersaCamm SP330V. Take care!