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  1. Phototex

    Thanks for the information. I appreciate it.
  2. Phototex

    briankb Would the puma III work just as well with the cleacut blade or is it the machine that determines the quality? Is the CE5000-60 windows 7 64 bit compatible? Finally, do use RIP software? If you what do you use. Again, thanks for the info. I am newbie Thanks, John
  3. Phototex

    ucmj22 Thanks for the info would a Puma III cutter and the 45 degree cleancut blade work. Also what cutter and blade setup do you have. I here people having trouble cuttin, but I have not seen many solutions. Thanks, John
  4. Phototex

    Photo Tex Cutting Hi, What blade and cutter are you using to cut the photo tex paper? Thanks