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Search results

  1. Newbie to the forums needing advice

    Does your Roland work well with Flexi and are they known for durability? It will be running all day long, 5 days a week. I also read one of your post about havin' a Roland 25 years old and still goin'! Very cool.
  2. Newbie to the forums needing advice

    ...also, after reading other posts in the forum, leaning toward a Roland GX-24. Thoughts or advice? Nate
  3. Newbie to the forums needing advice

    Nice to meet you all and thanks for the input. We've been using a 24" and have done fine with that. Is it worth the extra to go up to a 30"?
  4. Newbie to the forums needing advice

    Hi all, Newbie here from Alabama. First time post. Always lurked the formus getting tips, and have always gotten the best advice too, but now asking for help. Looking forward to learning from your experience. We've been using a Summa D610 Pro for 15yrs now & time for a new plotter...