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Search results

  1. Sort of new - guy

    Welcome Wayne.
  2. 2 Color on Dark Green (suggestions)

    I would try a golden yellow and white maybe.
  3. Trouble cutting Electrocut film

    Wow must be a hell of a budget they are woking with.. Theres only so much you can do with the amount of material you are given its not your fault.
  4. Trouble cutting Electrocut film

    Interesting. I guess i would have one of them try it if they think its that easy.
  5. Trouble cutting Electrocut film

    Thanks Jeizzavelle, I two am having the same issues. I don't know much about Graphtecs are they friction or sprocket fed? I too am having issues with tracking and am using a friction fed 24" lynx.
  6. stacey needs help

    Have you tried a differnt kind of vinyl just to make sure it's not the media? I Like the electro-cut and have alot of it but had to resort to a differnt media because of the problems you speak of. Maybe try shorter runs? I would hate to steal Stacee's thread but maybe this is somthing that...
  7. stacey needs help

    Although I love the 3M electro-cut I too am having problumes with tracking i can not cut anything longer than 36" with out everything going wrong. Although i am using a Lynx 24" i tryied slowing it down by tricking it into thinking it was a heavier meterial so it would run slower that still...
  8. Rookie

    Welcome Joe.
  9. stacey needs help

    Discribe your problume and equipment you are using so others can help you more better. I also have the problume dealing warehouse like many.
  10. New Member!!

    Welcome From MPLS.
  11. Hey!

  12. New Member - Just introducing myself

    Welcome.From Minneapolis. Barry would be your guy...
  13. new menber

    Welcome Welcome to :signs101: Dude. From Minneapolis.
  14. Hello Everybody

    Hello and Welcome to signs101. I was in the same place you were and found this site 1 yeand and 1/2 ago VERY helpful resourse's here. Frog around with searches and chances are you will find it if not ask there are alot of people ready and willing to help. Cheers
  15. What's Your Training?

    Self taught..for the most part. Went to college a few years back, NEI school of tech for web-design and graphics arts dropped out after a year Drove truck for another few years bought a Sticka 12 got alot of request 4 months later and bought a 24" and that's that. Also decided to give screen...
  16. small printer/cutter

    Roland Print cut There are some floating around on ebay however Buyer beware ask alot of questions. I Have seen them (PC-60, PC-600) being sold as is and need new print heads and have seen the replacment of one cost somewhere around $500. So that would be my first question is the printer ready...
  17. Books anyone?

  18. New guy on the block!

    Welcome Welcome Allen to :signs101:
  19. giver!!

    Welcome Welcome from Minneapolis.:wine-smi:
  20. i love you ALL already

    Welcome Welcome Cressida to :signs101: