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Search results

  1. Roland VG2 and VG3 owners

    Ive got brand new VG3. From what I understand you waste less ink the more the machine is running, so increase of business is the best option for you to stop wasting ink. These machines are really made to be going nonstop. With that being said, it's been a slow month and I've only run through...
  2. Printer for double sided workflow? Need perfect registration

    It's not worth the price in machinery and help to do it in house. At those numbers, just make an account with 4over or something and ship to your customers with your branding on the package. Ive got years in prepress and unless your looking to make a major investment and expand business in that...
  3. Commercial Wrapper/Installer Needed in NYC

    Looking to hire someone, or gain a group of good commercial food truck installers looking for work. Position is in Long Island City, New York, 11101. Im interested in full time or freelancers. Pay will commensurate with experience. I can offer an hourly wage for full time and a Per Sq. Ft. wage...
  4. Versaworks Dual is Double Cutting Cutlines

    A little late to the party, but I don't know if anyone's still trying to figure this out, but the problem is when you create a stroke as a cut mark. Even if you set it to a quarter of point, it's still a two sided line. Converting it to a path is just a pain and all those extra steps are...
  5. Suggestions Specialty Vinyls & LED Lighting

    I was hoping to be able to use RGB lighting of some sort to make certain aspects of a design shine I was hoping to be able to make a certain part of a design(like a stroke) to reflect different colors depending on what I was shining on it. Problem I'm coming up with from just learning about...
  6. Suggestions Specialty Vinyls & LED Lighting

    Hey guys, Im new here and I can't seem to find anything to guide me down this route so I figured I'de make a post about it. So basically I'm looking to incorporate LED lighting into my wall wraps. Im not talking about back lighting, but key and colored LED lighting(corner sticks, LED Rope...