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Search results

  1. Source for vinyl for small projects

    No sweat, there is a guy like this in every forum. Thank you to those of you who helped me and Gino, well sorry if I made you feel threatened or created a hostile forum environment. I truly aspire to be as awesome as you one day. Have a great weekend!
  2. Source for vinyl for small projects

    Hello, I have a few small vinyl wrapping projects that I want to do as I work up to wrapping a boat. Can you recommend sources for vinyl wrap that are reputable and offer reasonable pricing? It looks like a lot of the online places want you to create an account and login for pricing and I...
  3. Outboard motor cowling help

    Yes it does got hot from the motor and from the sun. Will that cause it to fail? I do know that people wrap outboards so I didn't think it would be an issue.
  4. Outboard motor cowling help

    Thanks for the replies and based on the comments and my lack of experience I think I'll find something else to practice on. The main reason I want to do this cowling is protection from the sun so the most critical areas are those that take direct sun. Maybe I will just try to do the top and...
  5. Outboard motor cowling help

    Well I thought I'd start small but I understand this is not the easiest shape to wrap. I guess worst case is that I tear it off and try again!
  6. Outboard motor cowling help

    Hello, I am new to wrapping and I would like to wrap my outboard motor cowling. The back part of the cowling has deep indentations as shown in the attached picture and I am wondering that best way to wrap those holes. Can I go over top of them and then cut the middle section out or cut a slit...