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Search results

  1. VE Lxi production manager issue

    OMG! That is what it was. It has never done that before so I must have hit that option by accident. Thank you so much for the info! I really appreciate it!
  2. VE Lxi production manager issue

    Thank you for the information. I’ll check this evening when I get home. I tried to look on PM for a setting that may cause it but didn’t see any but I’ll check that for sure. Thanks again
  3. VE Lxi production manager issue

    For some reason when I send my job to production manager from my VE LXi software it is cutting a square around the image and or font. It has never done this before and I can’t seem to figure out why. It’s not always a perfect square either, it depends on the type of font I use. I’m not adding an...