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Search results

  1. Roland VS 540 change to Metallic White

    Okay okay... Thank you !
  2. Roland VS 540 change to Metallic White

    Mh okay. Do you know if this is general with white ink or only On Roland machines?
  3. Roland VS 540 change to Metallic White

    Oh okay thank you. And the only way to get the contamination out is by changing everything to new i guess?
  4. Roland VS 540 change to Metallic White

    Hello guys, I've got a Roland VS 540 with CCMMYKLcLm configuration and i know that this model can print with white and metallic ink. I'm printing much Motocross Decals and when i print On Chrome or Holographic Material it would be nice to be able to print with white. Metallic is not necessary...