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Search results

  1. Mimaki CJV150-75 Missing Nozzles and printing fuzzy with overspray

    Thanks for the advise. I'm assuming this is the plastic bump block that you are referring to? The capping station and head look to be lined up right in the middle. Just to see if it made a difference I shifted the block so the magenta side of the capping station would be covered a bit more...
  2. Mimaki CJV150-75 Missing Nozzles and printing fuzzy with overspray

    Hello, I'm fairly new to wide format printing. I purchased a Mimaki CJV150-75 in '22 to be able to print marketing materials in-house (stickers, banners, posters, etc). I don't print every day, but I do at a minimum run test prints everyday to make sure everything is in working order. About...