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Search results

  1. Mimaki Jv4 Drop Out Problem

    Okay so I've done all the cleaning I can do to this machine and its still dropping out magenta!!!! Any suggestions?? Help!!!! (and I'm affraid to tell my boss that we may need a new head) but I think that maybe the only solution. :( Thanks
  2. Crystal Jet Fb3300 Help!

    Hello I need some help with my flat bed printer. I have to print on golf balls and pens. I know that a jig must be used but is that it?? Thanks Michelle
  3. Help With My Jv4!

    I'm hearing some noise coming from my Y-BAR ASSY or the X DRIVE.. As the machine runs there is a knocking sound coming from either of those 2 above. Any ideas?? Pls help I need to fix it asap! Thanks