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Search results

  1. Aged Vinyl Removal

    I have a van with a 10+ year old wrap on it. What is the best product/method for removal of a laminated, cracked, and dried vinyl wrap. I am especially concerned with the roof. Thanks in advance. :thankyou:
  2. Mutoh Color Issues

    I'm having a problem getting the correct colors to print on my Mutoh 1304 Valuejet printer. When I run a print head test, I'm only getting one blue graph. Any suggestions? I've been tinkering with it all day, with no positive results. Thank you.
  3. Mutoh Woes

    I'm running a Mutoh ValueJet 1304, and for the past two months, it has been quitting mid print and giving me the "End of Roll" notification. I'd love to bypass that sensor completely, but I'm open to any ideas at this point. Thank you.