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  1. Hi everyone

    Im from Guadalajara Mexico, and i work for Fujifilm Sericol as a TSM. Been working with large format presses from 10 years now, and I'm very passionate about color theory and color management. I came to this site cause a coworker found it extremely helpful, and its hard to find people who are...
  2. printer smears long stripes across print

    I think your maintenance guy is correct. For troubleshooting, you can try printing it at a slower speed, so the ink supply on the damper doesn't get empty.
  3. inks

    If you are thinking about changing inks, you should take a look at Fujifilm Sericol Color + Ink Series. I have swapped out inks for several presses, including Rolands and Mimakis. and in all of them the inks works like a charm every time.