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Search results

  1. Daily Maintenance JV33

    Great, thanks for the input! I'll take a look at what mine is set at. Take care.
  2. Daily Maintenance JV33

    I don't know how often I have the cleaning intervals set, I've just left those settings as set by the installer. What do you have them set at? Thanks!
  3. Daily Maintenance JV33

    Hi everyone. I bought a JV33-130 a few months back. Every night, we manually clean the wiper blade, around the capping station and any dried ink around the print head with foam swabs and cleaning fluid. I only do a soft or normal cleaning if I see a problem with my nozzle checks (which we do...
  4. Falcon Outdoor Mutoh Inks Changed !!

    I just wanted to let you know, I've been having the same exact issues on my 5.5 year old Falcon outdoor. I had a service contract with GEI the past 4 years, and they let me know they were no longer going to offer service on my machine once my current contract expires. Needless to say, I'm...
  5. Small town sign shop

    Hi, my name is Sarah. I run a small graphic design and sign studio in Virginia. I've been in the business for 5 years. Getting ready to purchase a new printer. Currently have a Mutoh Outdoor, and no longer happy with it! I'm also hoping to increase our business this year!