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Search results

  1. Feedback from Flexi 10 users

    I am actually having HUGE problems with the update, and have been with tech support 3x now since installing it 3 days ago. It rips my stuff at 100%, but does not print it at 100%. I am getting all smaller prints than what I input, and there is no rhyme or reason to the percentage it reduces the...
  2. Flexi freezing up

    LOL The other thing that "rubbed us the wrong way" was that they wanted us to buy the software key outright, saying our old one was out of warranty. We told them that we wouldn't pay for it, just having upgraded to a version we really didn't need and spending so much time guessing and...
  3. Flexi freezing up

    Ahhh, problem solved! And how easy it was! It was the software key/dongle :omg:. I guess it just was old (about 5 years old). The stinky part of the whole deal was that we wasted a lot of time (4 weeks of program shutting down at least 5-15 times a day, plus talking for hours to tech support...
  4. Flexi freezing up

    Hi Choucove, thanks for the tips. I looked at the power options, but that didn't seem to be the issue. As far as memory goes, I don't want to play with that, as I don't know much about it. We haven't had the issue with the blue screen anymore either, since our computer guy installed new...
  5. Flexi freezing up

    Hello, I am new here, and I have a huge problem. Already called SA Intl, but so far no real help. We had been working on Flexi 8v1 for about a year, no problems. We run Windows XP Professional. Last week Flexi kept freezing up on me (not responding) and even the Task manager could not close...