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Search results

  1. NOOB/Idea

    I'm trying to make some extra bucks to keep a new business afloat during the first year. So I'm using all my past knowledge of everything I know and everything I can beg, steal, or borrow. As I have had poor luck on my first post here, off to a bad start so to speak. I'd like to get some input...
  2. Hey, there. From Victoria BC

    sorry if you are offended I work with well known native carvers and my Ex wife and Daughter are native, I was brought up Living on the res so please excuse me if I use a term myself and my Native friends use about a reference in time. Meaning, when we get around to it. I will try to be more...
  3. Hey, there. From Victoria BC

    More pics on way... Ya, I will post more pics soon, am working on edible furniture and coffee sack seats will post soonish, Indian time, I call it...
  4. Hey, there. From Victoria BC

    My first sign. I made the sign 3 months ago and this is one of the crates made from a pallet and made to look old.
  5. Hey, there. From Victoria BC

    Hi. my name is Steve. I sell used furniture for fun and make things with recycled pallets and other scrap wood to help pay the rent. Things like small tables, with art transfers, and beer cases with advertising and humorous flare. I'm looking forward to learning some tricks and sharing my...