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Search results

  1. Program for printing business

    Which program is better than German or Russian? Hi guys! I'm still looking for a good ERP - system. I then one each from Germany, told about another program parity-software.com Can someone about it someone had heard, they have all been written in German. All very confusing ... Or do...
  2. Program for printing business

    What program to use Cyrious vs AC Print ??? Thank Dark Fox! I read online about Cyrious, a good program, but did not find about the cost of use. You paid how much to use the program? We want the program to connect to the AC Print 1.4 - a program, the development of russian programmers. We want...
  3. Program for printing business

    ERP - systems Hello! Who uses ERP-systems? Many of my colleagues use different programs to account for orders. Some recommend BonSens programs and some speakers AC Print. Tell me, do you have experience with these programs? Can you tell us your feedback? Or prompt another program, which is...
  4. Program for printing business

    Hi guys! Prompt what programs and services you use in their production to account for print orders banners? As you consider the proposal? How do you deliver work files from a designer in the production?