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Search results

  1. What's your preference for window perf?

    We will try that, we tried RGB all black, CMYK 60-40-40-100, and CMYK all black, the results seems the same on our printer.
  2. What's your preference for window perf?

    We also having similar issues where we print them on UV ink right now, but customer says it's not black enough compare to what we used to print with eco solvent ink, yall ever experience that and how to deal with it? Btw we bought our material for $199 for 54x150', quality is ok.
  3. Any recommendation on trade printer marketing?

    We're a trade printer based in California, and we're up against some big names like B2Sign and 4Over. Competing with such industry giants is tough, though we have catching up on some of the key services like turnaround time, product prices & quality, website user-friendly, but still we couldn't...