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Search results

  1. Font ID

    Can anyone tell me the name of this font
  2. Question Wall-Mounted Locking Storage Cabinet for Vinyl Rolls

    I built the attached out of corflute for vinyl offcuts. Cheap and keeps the film round instead of flattening over time. (know this is not what you are talking about but thought some of you might be interested).
  3. FONT ID

    Hi everyone, my HP Latex 315 sometimes finishes the print with a very fine mist on the surface. (see attached) It wipes off but is a bit annoying. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
  4. FONT ID

    Fantastic, thank you lovely sign people!
  5. FONT ID

    Does anyone recognise this font?
  6. FONT ID

  7. HP Latex Light magenta replacement heads still patchy.

    All excellent advise thanks, I cleaned the head 10 times and although it improved I still had to get a new head. I now get how the empty cartridge can damage the head. A good idea to replace before hand if possible. Cheers everyone, the knowledge I have gained from you all as been so valuable.
  8. HP Latex Light magenta replacement heads still patchy.

    Wow, amazing! Can't wait to try all your suggestions in the morning.
  9. HP Latex Light magenta replacement heads still patchy.

    Ok, I am printing out of Caldera (on Mac) so will see if there is an option for me to turn that feature on tomorrow. Once again I am so grateful for your help.
  10. HP Latex Light magenta replacement heads still patchy.

    Thank you so much for your help, what are spit bars?
  11. HP Latex Light magenta replacement heads still patchy.

    The Ink cartridge was very low so I have just put in a new one tonight. The fist couple of test prints are still patchy. Is it possible that it will improve with the new ink cartridge? Is there a way I can flush the new ink through?
  12. HP Latex Light magenta replacement heads still patchy.

    Hi Everyone, I have an HP Latex 315 just out of warranty. The light magenta head started banding so after unsuccessful cleaning I bought a new one. This worked fine for a week or so but the same thing is happening to the new head. Any suggestions on what the problems is? Many thanks.
  13. J

    Hello, I have an HP latex 315 printer. The light magenta head is as been patchy and I have just...

    Hello, I have an HP latex 315 printer. The light magenta head is as been patchy and I have just replaced the head for the second time but it is still patchy when I do the test print. Can anyone suggest how I can fix this?
  14. Pantone Color Chart to print

    Attached is a basic pms chart that you can open in illustrator. I recommend copying and pasting the required colour swatch from the chart into the print document. This will give the most accurate representation from the chart.
  15. Pantone Color Chart to print

    Attached is a basic pms chart that you can open in illustrator. I recommend copying and pasting the required colour swatch from the chart into the print document. This will give the most accurate representation from the chart.