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adhesion promoter

  1. Acrylic ink adhesion

    I have a JFX200-2351EX wirh LUS-150 inks (lus-100 clear). We primarily print on acrylic. Due to the variety of acrylics we print on, it is not practical to get digital acrylic. We also did not opt for a primer channel in favor of an extra white channel. I have the GL-1 Mimaki primer which seemed...
  2. EPSON V7000 UV ink adhesion problem on Plexiglas/PMMA/PERSPEX

    Hello, We have acquired a year ago an EPSON V700, mainly for having a more affordable price point that our standard plexi-face-mount process (gluing a fineart pigment print on 3mm acrylic front+3mm back) The EPSON is quite okay, but we have observed that the ink adhesion is quite not optimal on...