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hp 831

  1. HP Latex 792 ink (L260) versus Latex 831 ink (L300 series) - question

    This question may be sacreligious to some, but it's still a question to me... and the reason I'm asking here will become plain in a moment. I have about 23 unopened original 792 ink cartridges, and about 8 partly used ones, 3/4 full. I had stocked up on them three to four years ago when I...
  2. HP 831 Latex Ink / STS

    We have an HP 310 printer and I recently got an email from STS Inks claiming they have an identical ink cartridge for the HP 831 inks. Cost for HP is $135 / cartridge. STS sells their 775 mL cartridge online for only $69.99. Anyone tried it...