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hp latex 370

  1. HP Latex 370 loading media the wrong width

    Short and sweet - as the title says. I have been using the same 50.5" W (our paper's real/actual size) media for years now, and lately our 370 has been loading it correctly within our normal tolerance of skew, but once it gets loaded, shows up as 46.5" W instead of 50.5" or at least something...
  2. Need Help HP Latex 360 with bulk

    See picture attached. I'm getting this error (See image): Printer was doing fine, but then stopped, tubes as changed not long ago. A techie says it's a new Line Sensor (fairly easy replacement he says). What say you guys, is he right? Please help, we cannot afford a large scale repair :(
  3. Unsatisfactory overspray/text quality printing with HP Latex 370

    Hey all, Just looking for some suggestions. I've been spending some time building media profiles on our HP Latex 370 printer, and it seems that no matter what I set my passes, vacuum temperature, dry temperature, and/or optimizer levels to, I just can't get areas of small-ish text (6-18 pt) to...