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A nice logo


New Member
Saw this and really like the simplicity. Note how the graphic represents both an oven-top element and a letter "C".

This is how logos should work; simple, yet something clever within.


  • Cooking.gif
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Active Member

Similar to the one Phillip is doing for me....looking forward to showing it. :)


New Member
I've always thought that logo was bogus because real chefs and cooks use gas not electric stoves. Maybe I'm always too literal.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Sorry, but I fail to see any anything special in this forgettable attempt at a logo other than it most certainly is forgettable.

Technically, it's way too horizontal, the red thing may or may not carry any meaning, the typography is strictly Microsoft Word quality and there's too much of it. Typography that is. Logos are supposed to be symbolic, more icon than sign .


New Member
It's a tough thing with logos. What might look great to you might not work for the company, and what doesn't look great - might work great. Honestly, if the product meshes with the branding, the logo could be a coffee stain. I do like this logo though, mainly cause it's simple to print :Big Laugh


Premium Subscriber
That is one of the dumbest things I think I've heard in a long time and it's from a newbie, yet, so welcome from PA...............................

A logo must and should look good to everyone.... especially the person obtaining it. You can't tell someone you've just created a logo for them and it will work for some people and not for others.

Would you buy a family car that you can drive, but your wife can't ?? You daughter fits in the back, but it won't let you son in, but the dog can get in on the left side on Tuesdays, but not over the weekend ??

Beauty in the eyes of the beholder does not work in the sign/logo business, unless you've got a real dolt for a customer and another one creating your logos on staff.

I agree with bob 110%... the logo is not a logo, but just some type [and not well put together] and a red snail. Simple.... YES !! Good, not worth a crap !!


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
They also made a different version/setup.

Still too horizontal.

Look at the bottom example where the elements appear in a border or container of some sort. The proportions of that container are pretty much the golden ratio [.6180...].

If the elements of the logo itself, without the border, were in that proportion it would be far more pleasing to the eye. They're not and it's not.


New Member
There are countless "good" bigtime successful logos which are longish.

I like it; you & Gino don't. Whatever.


  • GY.jpg
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Premium Subscriber
Ahhh............. but not for all the same reasons. I just think it plain stinks because of all the elements the designer used... or lack of, with no regards to flow, simplicity of understanding, cutesie icons and lousy workmanship. Put those all together on top of being overextended, it just is butt-dumb and ugly. Well, not ugly, but it sure is dumb.


New Member
Thanks for the welcome Gino. Might help to describe where I'm coming from - 8 years making logos and design for web and corporate entities, 3 years for small businesses, a year in the sign industry making logos and signage for the wash DC/Frederick area - so a mix of farmers and corporate folk. Some things don't translate across the board for customers, even if there are such things as good logo principles. Compromises compromises...


Premium Subscriber
Nope, never bitter............. here's one just as nice as your entry for simplicity, good flow and cleverness.
cooking aholes.jpg


Premium Subscriber
It could be worse............................. :rolleyes:

This is nothing. You must be new around here. :Welcome:​