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ahhhhhhh ...Spring Landscaping


New Member
I started a landscaping project last year after moving to a new area. It's kind of a wilderness area on a hillside that had been overrun with untamed grown. There's a ravine-ish area that had been used as a receptacle for yard debris --- tree stumps, trimmed branches, cut grass, and anything else that rolled in from the neighboring lots. It was pretty much a catch-all for anything weedlike, too.

My plan was to strategically clear the area of deadwood and overgrown shrubbery in an effort to reduce the fire danger, and make my own native plant botanical garden.

There was a big hedge of shrubbery like this:


It was really pretty. It had shiny leaves that turn a brilliant red in the fall, and little yellow flowers and tiny white berries in the spring. But it needed to be trimmed back. Here's a couple close-up pictures:



I shredded it with a weed eater. Leaves, berries, flowers, branches, it all flew everywhere peppering me and the hillside in gooey plant matter.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah, I didn't get the "plant indentification" merit badge in Boy Scouts. :banghead: But, by the grace of God and all good fortune, it did click with me that evening --- ":omg: I wonder if that stuff down in the hollow was Poison Oak?" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYA.

Isopropyl Alcohol, A scrubby sponge, A long shower, waiting for wife to return from pharmacy with Dry Ivy® Scrub, and Tecnu®, --- REPEAT.​

By all accounts, I suffered a very mild case of the "itch." Even so, after sharing the story with family and friends, I've heard of some rather horrific cases of the rash.

Now as spring grows into summer, if you're playing or working in the brush, be wary of the leaves of three. And, even if you wearing gloves and take them off before you (ahem) "use the facilities," WASH your hands BEFORE, as well as after. Don't ask me how I know. :banghead:



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James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
I've heard it go to the most unimaginable places when people burn their ditches. The smoke, along with the essential oils go right through clothing. And it can get into your lungs. Yikes....

BTW...our poison oak here in Michigan looks a little different.

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New Member
yeah... the smoke from burning those plants (not that you did) has been known to kill.

Sounds like all things considered you were lucky!


New Member
yeah... the smoke from burning those plants (not that you did) has been known to kill.

That's what the Surgeon General said to Phillip Morris!! LOL

But now, the Gov't here is doling out prescriptions so you can smoke your whacky terbacky. They say "Don't smoke.. but here's your prescription."

showcase 66

New Member
Sounds like you had a fun day. Out of all the things I am allergic to, Poison Oak is not one of them. I remember back when I was in boy scouts, we did a Christmas sale of mistletoe and went and picked it. Everyone except me was itching and burning like crazy on the way back into town. The leader should have known better.

That is when I knew I could have a lot of fun with others.


New Member
I've got two nephews in Iowa that are petrified of the stuff. One seems like he can get it by just seeing pictures of it. (--- Both of them helped clear the timber for new construction of their family's house... by burning the brush.)

The more one is exposed the the stuff the faster the body reacts. I never really thought about it, but I suppose getting a few wiffs of the smoke would really get immune system ready for the next attack. I suspect "Maynard" was the closest to the fire. That would explain his visits to the emergency room for the steroid shots every year when it finds him again.

And yeah, I was very lucky! The wounds I suffered weren't much bigger than the end of a pencil eraser and I was OCD for two weeks washing and treating.

Of course now, I'm back down in the ravine going after it again. This time I'm spraying Round-Up out of a fire hose at it, and following up a "decontamination" regimen when I get back to the house. The stuff is nasty.

And no, fire wasn't/isn't an option. The '91 Oakland Firestorm still lingers in the minds of the neighbors. They've got NO sense of humor about dry wood and matches. It's sprayed 'til dead, cut and piled under compost.​


New Member
Sounds like you had a fun day. Out of all the things I am allergic to, Poison Oak is not one of them....

Really? :rolleyes: ...What are you doing this weekend? Wouldn't want to shoot up to Oakland for a beautiful day of lumberjacking, would ya? :ROFLMAO:


New Member
Egads. I had a terrible run in while clearing shrubs this past year. I was halfway through when I investigated some questionable vines in with the regular shrubs. Too late.

I've always gotten poison ivy and poison oak terrible, but this time was the worst. My arms and legs were just a mess of blisters and , holy cow, the itchin' was on an entirely new level. So, i went with my usual self torture method.... scratch it open and then wipe diluted bleach and try and hold back the screams. Usually that cleared it up in days, but this time it was too bad. Onto the internet! After reading horror story after horror story and personal solutions, I tried some of the most popular.....

What worked the best for me was hot water. This kinda sounds a bit ridiculous, but it worked like a charm. Didn't get rid of the poison ivy any quicker, but made it completely tolerable. I would take a shower and crank the shower to the hot... and when I say hot, I mean it was buried. Slowly i'd put each limb through the scalding water and hold back from screaming. Amidst the pain, it almost had the relief of scratching. Once I got out, I was completely itch free for up to 4 hours! Needless to say, I was taking showers about 4 or 5 times a day.

One of the most amazing thing is the leaf oil itself. Its very stable and doesn't really 'neutralize'. I read of a story where this guy went camping and got it terrible. Every time he went camping he would get it again even after being very careful. Then he realized that he was getting it every time he used his sleeping bag ... for YEARS! He washed but couldn't get rid of the Urishiol. Finally had to throw it away.

showcase 66

New Member
Really? :rolleyes: ...What are you doing this weekend? Wouldn't want to shoot up to Oakland for a beautiful day of lumberjacking, would ya? :ROFLMAO:

If it gets me from going to my father in laws and his stupid @&$)(!? Wife's house Forrest Easter I am in. Even if I have become allergic to it I would rather deal with that instead of her.

Have a feeling my wife would be pissed at me for a long time if I sent her by herself with the kids.


New Member
What worked the best for me was hot water. This kinda sounds a bit ridiculous, but it worked like a charm...

That's the one thing my poison-oak-prone nephew said to NEVER do because the hot water spreads the oil. But oooooooooh YES! That is the best pain relief ever! I was amazed at how well that worked/works for the itchies. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

My regimen now is to dry wash with the Tecnu®. Rinse that with cold water, then enjoy the scalding hot shower whether I need it or not.

It seems to work. I know I've picked some of the poison oak in my continuing project, lately. But, it's been nothing compared to the first encounter... and that was mild.

Have a feeling my wife would be pissed at me for a long time if I sent her by herself with the kids.

I could maybe offer up an Easter Egg hunt for the kids. But I wouldn't be able to help out with the wife. I've got one of those --- "wife pissed at me for a long time" --- that's never good. :ROFLMAO:


New Member
Tecnu® ! ! ! Alcohol burns like hell but draws out the oils! I feel your PAIN.

"Shared poison oak with the family right before [during] DisneyWorld trip 1994. Bummer"