Its not really bad. If you have experience with paint sprayers its not that far off from cleaning those.
Step 1: empty of laminate
Step 2: run water through the machine
Step 3: empty machine of water
Step 4: remove filters, rinse filters, replace filters
step 5: optional, repeat step 2-3
VERY IMPORTANT: the applicator rod must be cleaned between each roll of material, if you allow the laminate to dry or cake onto this rod you ruin it and it is very expensive to replace.
The laminate for this machine is water solvable when still liquid but is extremely stubborn if you let it dry all the way, so it if gets on anything you do not want it on, you have to act fast with water. If it ends up in parts of the machine, roller bars, machine body ect and dries, it can be cleaned off with a lot of elbow grease and lacquer thinner (this works on metal, do not try on plastic because the plastic will melt before the dried laminate budges.