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anyone played with their balls today?

Letterbox Mike

New Member
Umm. Eric, I think you had too much fun over the weekend... No balls...


  • google has no balls.jpg
    google has no balls.jpg
    50.1 KB · Views: 90


New Member
I have been messing with that every time I go to google stuff. I am trying to figure out what it represents.


  • balls.jpg
    56.5 KB · Views: 70


Premium Subscriber
I can't believe I just screen printed, but more than that.... others are doing it.............. :ROFLMAO:
Google Balls.jpg


Just Me
Google Balls...

not a phrase I thought I'd ever hear... but they are kinda taking over everything...aren't they???


Just Me
Do you use a portal google page? In firefox it uses THEIR google page... Try just typing google.com


New Member
you would also have to go to "classic home" page if you get re-directed to the iGoogle page.

I love Google-balls! Pretty sweet!