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Art Work


New Member
Hey everyone, I was wondering what do you say to a customer who has a logo made by another shop. Now they want you to start doing work for them. I dont want to up set any one. Can I redraw their logo or do i have to make them a new and different logo.


New Member
This can turn into a loaded question. Be up front with them and make sure they have full use rights to the logo before jumping in to deep. If they don't then they might owe the previous shop and have walked away and looked for a new victim to take advantage of.

You will have to be careful here as if they do not have rights to it they cannot technically allow you to recreate it without the creaters consent.

This is something that happens often and is mostly the fault of sign companies or designers that do not charge art and logo fees.



Certified Enneadecagon Designer
The "nice" thing to do is ask the client if they can get the logo from the old shop. If the shop refuses, then you can sell them a logo redesign and that they get to keep the logo.

If you redraw the logo and that logo has a registered copyright from someone other than the client, then you can be in a world of hurt. If the logo is unregistered, then you may anticipate bad energy from the other shop, a booger flick up to and including a punch in the nose, to a cease and desist letter (and maybe small claims)
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New Member
Thank you speedmedia and rick. I do ask if they paid for their logo. Most of them say that they pay for design fee and then they was offered to buy it on a cd after the job was done. So what you’re saying I can’t use the logo if they didn't buy the logo on a cd. Should I be doing the same? I do charge for logo design but I let them have a copy after that fee is paid


New Member
Only if they want to be Co-Defendants...

Copyright can get very touchy. I would ask for a release or a Copy of their Work for Hire agreement. I am by no means an expert but I just try to be as ethical as I can be. If you can talk them into a refresh of their Logo that would be the best thing.
I have had my work stolen and I can tell you I am the prick from hell when it happens.

Wish I could be more help.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Payment of design does not constitute transfer of ownership. It must be in writing that copyright has been transfered, then the client owns the logo.

What you should do is up to you as no one here does the same thing but there are books on the subject by gag.org and aiga.org

What I do is transfer ownership but sometimes have restrictions for it's use (depending on how much I get paid and the scope of work)

I will always keep my rights of promotion... ALWAYS...
The client usually gets to use the logo within the scope of work it was commissioned... that usually means they can use it anyway they want and take it anywhere they want, they just can't franchise the logo or make it into a product.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
At the moment you design something it has "copyright" but you are not fully protected.

For information about fully protecting copyright, you go here.... there is a preregistration and registration.

There is new legislation that may make this way of registration obsolete. But this new system is going to be worse than the one we now have.