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Best Source For DX4 Heads?


New Member
I'm looking to buy and install 2 DX4 heads.

Are there still merchants selling these heads here?

Anyone know about different qualities of these heads?



New Member
Anyone selling them very cheap, or from china is a scam. There are no such thing as repaired or refurbished heads, so avoid anyone who says that. Digiprint sell new ones, but they have a track record of selling bad heads, and are almost impossible to return faulty ones.
There are dealers who can still supply legitimate new heads depend on which country you are in


New Member
Anyone selling them very cheap, or from china is a scam. There are no such thing as repaired or refurbished heads, so avoid anyone who says that. Digiprint sell new ones, but they have a track record of selling bad heads, and are almost impossible to return faulty ones.
There are dealers who can still supply legitimate new heads depend on which country you are in
Thanks. I'm in Canada.


New Member
I dont know of anyone in Canada personally, but there are a few in the USA who can send there.

Ernie is in Florida, and supplies new Roland parts and is a technician with a great reputation


New Member
I dont know of anyone in Canada personally, but there are a few in the USA who can send there.

Ernie is in Florida, and supplies new Roland parts and is a technician with a great reputation
I have been in touch with him before. I will again. Thanks.

Robert M

New Member
we have them at solventinkjet.com. We sell the Roland branded Epson DX 4 solvent print heads. there are three types of DX 4 heads, Solvent, aqueous, and UV. We sell the solvent heads.


New Member
Anyone selling them very cheap, or from china is a scam. There are no such thing as repaired or refurbished heads, so avoid anyone who says that. Digiprint sell new ones, but they have a track record of selling bad heads, and are almost impossible to return faulty ones.
There are dealers who can still supply legitimate new heads depend on which country you are in
Agreed. Horrible experience with digiprint that cost me thousands.


New Member
Agreed. Horrible experience with digiprint that cost me thousands.
They used to be good years ago and I would use them all the time, but far too many people have had problems with them, both with heads and other parts they have sold as genuine and are cheap chinese copies :(