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Business Cards


I have to make my business card design. Can you all post yours so I can see what real designers cards look like? I'm not sure if that is against the rules here. I'm still a pretty poor designer, and would like to see some fresh ideas. Thank You

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Best way to maybe start gears a rolling is submit a idea ...you could go to 100 websites and see how they set up there image just to get your gears rolling... but really it's about you and your desires & goals in this business
Now if your not a designer you can learn a great deal of the guidelines of creating great images by reading some books like... Mike Jacksons...Mastering Layout these guidelines are taught in school.


New Member
Definitely upload what you have so far. There is some great advise available here. To help get your gears rolling here's my new card. You can also do a search and find some older posts about the same thing.


Definitely upload what you have so far. There is some great advise available here. To help get your gears rolling here's my new card. You can also do a search and find some older posts about the same thing.
View attachment 46098

Nice cards! I did notice a spelling mistake though.

specialist should be correct right? :thumb:


Thanks ! Y'all help out so much. I suppose I'll have to put up what I'm working with here. Open up and put myself out there. Thanks again for the tips. I'll try to post the next thread with more direction. Still learning how to be productive on this forum.


New Member
I couldn't find the link to mine I posted elsewhere. Here's my current one along with several other different ones.


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  • The Gardens business card.jpg
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  • Dart Line Biz Card.jpg
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    Floors of Distinction - biz card.jpg
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