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Need Help Caldera


New Member
Hi, new to this forum and didn't find any threads directly relating to my query. We have recently installed Caldera to run some 'Grand Printers' as they call them. My problem is that it doesn't seem to handle double sided printing the way we would like. For example, there may be times where we have the need to plan multiple jobs on a sheet, maybe 20 of 1 sort, 35 of another sort, 45 of another sort, 50 of another sort. I've attached a file to this message to show what I mean in terms of a sample job. Page 1 and 2 back each other up, as do 3 & 4, and 5 & 6. We have actually resorted to planning manually, which is very much a backward step.

The guy that trained us mentioned primecenter as a possible solution for such a job, but there is no way our company will splash out more money. We thought Caldera would handle this work no problem. We were previously using Asanti, which handled jobs like this no problem at all.

Hopefully someone can help me on here




  • 162854-£1_£2_£3 Value Surround+Bus Stop.pdf
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Problem Solver
They want to sell you Primecenter for fully automated or do it manually.

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