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Suggestions California Sign Shop Drawings


design & such
Ok here goes...

I work for a full-service sign company, we design, produce and install complete ada-complaint (tactile signs with braille) sign package as well as exterior signage (monuments/building signs/channel letters etc.)
We recently won a bid for a multifamily/apartment job in California. This is for a repeat client but we have not worked in the state before and I've spent the last month or so pouring over all the extra rules for CA in their building and fire codes.
The roadblock I have run into is that the Planning Dept. Rep has informed us that once the client approves the sign full package, we have to submit it to planning & fire for their approval (which can take up to 45 days) - this is not in reference to exterior sign permits, which we do all the time. According to planning we need to submit everything - interior, exterior, ada, pool, etc. to them for approval before anything can be produced. - that's fine. But they cannot give us any specifics on what kind of drawings they are expecting and with that kind of lead time we cannot afford to mess it up.

Over the past decade we have streamlined our shop drawings to limit "design time" spent spec'ing out materials - we still do it internally but clients tended to get caught up on details like AkzoNobel Paint codes and other things that were only meant for our crew. The vast majority of the clients we work with just want to see pretty pictures of their signs and approve the content. We have a whole bunch of "shop drawing" variations to account for more complex sign builds and for clients who just want all the details.
I don't know what information planning needs to have on the drawings we submit to them, whether it needs to be full-dimensioned diagrams with side previews or if flat images and a material list will work.

So here's my question - has anyone working in CA and had to submit these kinds of drawings before? If so - how detailed were your shops? I'm not asking you to give them to me, just trying to get an idea of what template we are best off using.

*If you are just going to yell at me for asking for help, you can save it. I'm not trying to steal work from other local companies. I don't pick what jobs we bid, I just have to figure out how to complete the work once it's on my plate.*
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Active Member
I would submit to them flat images and descriptions with height measurements. I cant imagine them needing front and side views