your not setting you page to correspond with the cutter.
corel has a work page of 150.00 ft x 150.00 ft.
now IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT ROLAND DRIVER...............DO27290J.EXE is what you need.
in the ROLAND DRIVER YOU CAN SETUP A PAGE........AS SUCH: 23.50 X 110.00.
NOW this is the page you need to use when you OPEN COREL to cut vinyl. once you set this FROM PRINTER SETUP, and you back out all the way with OK, OK,OK. THEN GO TO PAGE SETUP..............go into menu and look for the SET FROM PRINTER....hit it, and it should give you the page you set up in the roland driver setup page. then you need to make it SO THE PAGE IS HORIZONTALLY LONG.....leave the page setup if your page size is right.
now go to corel, and hit print preview............that will show you what its gona cut and WHERE IT WILL START CUTTING.... if it aint sittin right at the begining of the page you need to reset something.