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Christmas gifts for customers on the nice list.


Member for quite some time.
Every year we send out a Christmas cards to all of our customers. Last year instead of cards we send out a 10% off coupon to use toward any purchase. I plan to do this again this year because it seemed to be a big success however I do have 1 or 2 customers that have spent a considerable amount with us and I am very grateful for that. What are some of the ways you all have shown appreciation for some of your "BIGGER" customers?


Active Member
In years past our best clients would get bottles of Kentucky's finest or smoked tukeys, hams etc... Sometimes we'd do a pizza or sub sandwich lunch for their crew. We've also had Santa pay one of their invoices.

Pat Whatley

New Member
This comes up every year and maybe I'm just in the wrong loop of the Bible Belt but the idea of giving liquor to people I only know professionally bothers me.

Locals Find!

New Member
This comes up every year and maybe I'm just in the wrong loop of the Bible Belt but the idea of giving liquor to people I only know professionally bothers me.

Pat, you aren't supposed to give liquor or wine unless you know the person enjoys such adult beverages. If your unsure you should always default to something simpler like a Gift Basket etc..

That has always been the rule I operate by. I would never want to unknowingly give a bottle of scotch to a recovering alcoholic.

Jane Diaz

New Member
We try to incorporate what WE do into the gift.
Every year is different. Examples:
We bought a 1-2qt. glass container with a lid and then put their logo on it and fill it with candy.
We did a framed version of their logo to put up in their office.
One year we found these signpainter figurines thru Department 56 and digital printed the customers logo on the "billboard". Those were a hit! (I tried to post a picture of that but I'm not sure how.)


New Member
Would that we could........

Being a non profit organization, we are not authorized to do such a thing without prior approval and budget allotment - the year before.

I think that if we were able to do something it would definitely be, as Jane said, something we add our own touch to.

We already offer discounts on all purchases by non profit groups, who comprise the bulk of our outside jobs.

The majority of our work is done in house with a fleet of over 150 trailers, 34 stores (and growing), Career Solution centers and Donation locations scattered all over Middle Tennessee.