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City Skylines

Joe Diaz

New Member
I'm creating a design where I plan on using two skylines of two large cities. They are a bit stylized with a slight art deco spin on it. Within the context of the design it should be easy to tell which city is which. But I'm curious if people can tell without the rest of the design spelling it out.

davids skylines.jpg

Joe Diaz

New Member
No on the Detroit. Yes on the Chicago. The Chicago one is easy though.

hint: The design has something to do with Rt 66.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Yup it's LA

Goes to show how unimpressive our skyline is. I never would have guessed LA. It would probably help if the city hall building was in it since quite a few Angelinos view that as part of their identity or skyline.

(it's the smaller building in the middle)


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Quit buggin' me
I would never have guessed La either.
With the air quality down there I figured it would have looked more like this...

wayne k
guam usa


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