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Cleaning windows with window perf


New Member
Got a customer that decided to have an exterminator spray a pesticide on windows we installed perf vinyl.
They are upset now because the windows look hazy from the inside.

We told them it's not good to wash the perf vinyl with anything more than a mild soap and water spray and a rinse. We also suggested a less than 50% Alcohol/water mixture.

They seem to think it's our fault we didn't tell them ahead of time that spraying pesticides on window perf might cause visual impairment from the inside.

Any ideas on what options to them to get their windows clean?



Active Member
It's possible that the pesticide had a solvent in it which has permanently damaged the formerly optically clear laminate you used. In that case no amount of cleaning will ever clear it up.


Why would anyone spray pesticides on their car? It's likely they'd damage the paintwork as well.
I'm thinking maybe the window was a building's window, full length, and if the pest guy is anything like mine, he just lazily walks along spraying a 6" zigzag along the perimeter of the inside of the building...
Was this installed interior or exterior?


Active Member
If it's on the building then the vinyl isn't laminated. It's probably just oily residue on the glass in the holes. Soft window washer's brush and lots of soapy water. Hose to rinse.


us too. we ask forgiveness not permission
You are just like the pita print shop down the road from me?!? Here I am, doing the right thing, advising the customer of the city's ordinances, and telling them I can't block out their entire window, but lo and behold, their windows get blocked out and no permit gets pulled. I used to never report anybody, not like hurting another's business will 'help' mine after the fact, but finally I got so fed up I reported one... the city said they were aware, but couldn't do anything... I really hate the print shops around me