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Colorado 1650 - Queued Jobs Will Not Start Printing


New Member
Hi all!

I've been a lurker for a while and finally found a need to post.

We have a Colorado 1650 which is allowing us to RIP jobs and send them to the UI queue but will not start the jobs. It displays no error message and just sits with jobs in the queue not printing. We recently had a technician in because our maintenance door was not registering as "closed" and it caused the machine to throw a "winding" code for the take up shaft. After the service we have not been able to print. I am wondering if the tech may have inadvertently switched off an "auto-print" setting with his maintenance screens? Currently the tech is attempting upgrade our firmware/OS to the 2.6.1 version from the 2.3.1 version.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? If the OS upgrade was performed did that fix the issue? Is there something else I might check to fix the issue? Any feedback is appreciated.



Active Member
they are MOST LIKELY not expecting the OS upgrade to fix the problem
potentially, the firmware might correct a problem (but i am skeptical)
they are upgrading MOSTLY because the troubleshooting flowcharts and help desk software they use only supports the latest versions
this makes ACTUAL troubleshooting easier to manage


New Member
The firmware upgrade corrected the issue. Although it seems a bit buggy. I appreciate the comments and suggestions.


The firmware upgrade corrected the issue. Although it seems a bit buggy. I appreciate the comments and suggestions.
Not surprised.

When upgrading the firmware on the Colorado, it's basically a full re install of the software. So if there was a bug or known bug that may have affected your printer, the update generally fixes it.

Usually when techs ask "are you on the latest software, if not update to latest" is to make sure an old bug isn't causing the error first. Otherwise the techs are looking for an issue that's already been solved.