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Anyone that has a colorado m series, im trying to do the ink calculations and i would love to know the CORRECTION FACTOR & $/MILILITER. If you can help me with that.
You can log into the machine via the IP address and get exact data from a CSV file. if you're running onyx, i forgot the button, but there is a button you can push to get you to the admin of the colorado. You can export the day usage of the machine.

So you could run a test job of 1 square meter and get the exact ink usage for that job.


New Member
You can log into the machine via the IP address and get exact data from a CSV file. if you're running onyx, i forgot the button, but there is a button you can push to get you to the admin of the colorado. You can export the day usage of the machine.

So you could run a test job of 1 square meter and get the exact ink usage for that job.
I am running onyx. If you remember the button please let me know.